Yay!! We have another awesome interview for you and today we have the lovely Amy Glatiotis aka @otis_andm Thank you for sharing with us Amy!
Please can you give us a brief little introduction about yourself?
My name is Amy Glatiotis. I live in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. I'm married to my sweet hubby, Galen and have an 11 year old daughter, Mylah and an almost 15 year old daschund, George. I love reading and the beach, ideally the two combined
This past year and this coming year we are homeschooling due to the pandemic, so drawing has been a wonderful escape from the everyday.
What inspires you?
My family is huge inspiration to me. We often will brainstorm ideas of things to draw over breakfast. Their support is unwavering for anything I do. Fellow artists and the art community online are also so encouraging and seeing what they create always makes me want to draw as well!
What is your favourite thing to draw?
For sure my daughter and dog George. They are the best of buds and George is such a character. I love putting them in all sorts of funny scenarios.
What art goals do you have for this year?
I've been working on illustrating a children's book over the summer for a friend, so I am excited to see that come to fruition!
I also want to try to draw more often, attempt more challenges and dig a little deeper into what Procreate can do.
What techniques/supplies do you use?
I often will sketch an idea on paper with pencil, but then I put it into Procreate and draw on my Ipad
What advice would you give to another doodler/artist?
Be inspired and encouraged by others, but keep being you!! Draw, then draw some more. Don't be afraid to leave a drawing when it's not working and come back to it later with new eyes.
Also, finding a great prompt page like FDC, it is a huge help for when you just don't know what to draw!
Where can people go to learn more about you or see more of your work?
I am on Instagram at - @otis_andm