Artist Spotlight: Oriana Bornia

This week we had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Oriana Bornia aka @oriana.bornia as our Artist spotlight of the week.

Hello! Please can you give us a brief little introduction about yourself?

I live in Genoa, Italy, with my husband, our daughter, our son and three lovely animals: two cats and one dog. I work as an engineer, but as soon as possible I draw. I usually say that drawing is my very first love: since I was a child it makes me feel well and comfortable, it simply delights me. Furthermore, the creation of a personalized drawing is my preferred way to let someone know how much I care: how many drawings I made for my grandmother during my childhood for this reason!! 

What inspires you? 

My family is what inspires me more. Children's expressions, dog and cats funny behaviors, simple scenes of daily life, having a special meaning I want to convey. I also am inspired by my childhood memories. 

What is your favourite thing to draw?

I love drawing funny scenes with children and animals as protagonists. I also like to draw portraits: what a satisfaction when you catch someone’s expressions and make them recognizable with a few lines! Friends are my preferred subject for these cartoon-style portraits.

What art goals do you have for this year? 

I would like to improve my digital techniques using Procreate, and I create a series of images having a common thread, such as a calendar. I would also like to redesign my website a bit and maintain it constantly updated.

What techniques/supplies do you use? 

I usually create digital illustrations using Procreate. Anyway everything always starts from a pencil black and white sketch on a notebook: the sensation of pencil on paper together with its sound is still one of the most pleasant things for me.I also like to use the combination of brush markers and colored pencils.

What advice would you give to another doodler/artist?

My main advice is to be constant, and to challenge yourself also with prompts that apparently don’t make you feel in your comfort zone. It is the best way to find unexpected ideas inside yourself! 

Personally this has been the main surprise and joy I had taking part in the Friday Doodle Club challenges this year.

Where can people go to learn more about you or see more of your work?

I publish my drawing on Instagram: @oriana.bornia

Personal website:

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